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20 Activities to Keep Kids Entertained When You Work at Home

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Activities for Kids

20 Activities to Keep Kids Entertained When You Work at Home

The winter of 2014 has proven to be bitterly cold for much of the nation. So, what do you do when you either need to work from home or press on with the job search and the kids are home because school is closed? As a mother of 7-year-old twin boys, I can very much relate to this dilemma.

First, you need to make sure you have a separate space to work that isn’t near the kids. This helps create a boundary. My kids now know to ask if I’m on mute before they try to interrupt me when they know I’m on a call.

If you have the benefit of advanced warning, do as much as you can to prepare activities the night before. Having a plan for the day helps a lot. You can also mix up your work time with some playtime so your kids don’t feel neglected.

A big thanks goes out to my friends on Facebook for some of these suggestions:

1. Movies — Not that I love screen time activities, but it’s great if you have a conference call
2. Perler beads
3. Origami
4. Make your own puzzle
5. Rainbow Loom
6. Indoor Scavenger hunt
7. Play-Doh
8. Legos
9. Build a fort
10. Ride bikes in the basement
11. Create an obstacle course
12. Give them a dust rag, you’ll be amazed at how clean your surfaces will get
13. Decorate the fridge with new artwork
14. Use masking tape to make a hopscotch board on the rug
15. Marshmallows and toothpicks (or straws), see what they can build
16. Board games
17. Make a play date with a kid who doesn’t have a working parent, you can return the favor on the weekend
18. Audio books
19. Play dress up
20. Sticker projects

Then, when you’re desperate, tell them they can do whatever they want as long as the stay away from you and keep quiet. Just kidding… sort of. I know we can all feel that way after being trapped inside all day.

So, I don’t know about you all, but I am sure glad school is back in session tomorrow. Do you have any additional suggestions? Please tell us in the comments so we can add to our arsenal.

photo credit: Môsieur J. [version 9.1] via photopin cc

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