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The 3 Traits You Need To Land Your Dream Job

After speaking with several job seekers this week, I noticed a common roadblock all of them shared. They all had excuses as to why they hadn’t found anything yet.

“It’s my resume because I know if I could just get my foot in the door I could nail the interview.”

“I’ve applied for lower level jobs and can’t get interviews for those either.”

“It’s my mindset that is keeping me stuck. I know what I need to do, but it’s too much work.”

I am not saying job search is easy. I know it’s hard. It’s frustrating, lonely and often full of rejection.

I am saying that it’s easy to play the victim. People will be sympathetic to your situation. You’ll start allowing yourself to not reach out to that contact because “they aren’t going to help me.” You won’t apply for a job because “they will think I am overqualified.”

In reality, you’re lying to yourself. And until you see the truth you won’t be able to change it, upgrade it or become better from it.

In order to land your ideal job you need to have these 3 traits:

  1. Be absolutely decisive and committed – This means knowing you can’t get the maximum result with only the minimum work. You also have to be ready to take action.
  2. Be resourceful – This means if something doesn’t work, you’re not going to give up. You will find another way.
  3. Be coachable – This means giving up your victim status. Stop letting your fear run the show, and let your faith take center stage.

If are ready to commit, be resourceful and willing to think different schedule a complimentary Brand to Land Breakthrough Call with me, now! I’ll help you uncover your specific roadblocks and get on the right path to landing your next 6-figure marketing role.